Beaver Creek Amateur Radio Association
Radio Station KF0IBJ
Penrose Colorado
Grid Square DM78ln

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About Us

It shall be our purpose to provide electronic communications in the event of disasters, or other emergencies to the furtherance of the public welfare; to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, the promotion of interest in Amateur Radio communication, experimentation and radio communications in general; the advancement of the radio art and to conduct Association programs and activities as to advance the general interest, emergency communications and welfare of Amateur Radio.

The Beaver Creek Amateur Radio Association (BCARA) is primarily an Amateur Radio club. However, membership is open to all persons, anywhere, interested in Amateur Radio and radio communication; to include Short Wave Listeners (SWL) and those holding a General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) license. Several of our ham members also have a GMRS license and are SWL's. Pages for SWL and GMRS could be added to this web site at a later date, however, our BCARA Forum contains sections for those activities.

As a new club, our future activities shall consist of many things, all currently in the short, medium and long range planning stages. This includes participating in Field Day, either as a BCARA club activity, or joining forces with the Royal Gorge Amateur Radio Club (RGARC) in Canyon City. We are planning to conduct "Fox Hunts" (hidden transmitter hunts) and other activities (including training and license testing), all of which shall be revealed at the appropriate times. We are actively working on obtaining, installation and operation of a club repeater - see our "Repeater" page for more information. Additional repeaters on several amateur bands and an authorized GMRS frequency, are in the medium to long range planning stages.

We originally started a ham radio club in 2021 (different name) for the radio amateurs living in the Red Rocks at Beaver Creek (RRBC) Ranch Community, to work with the RRBC Property Owners Association (POA) Board of Directors when needed. The purpose was to protect the rights of these Amateurs to install towers and antennas (with minimal restrictions) within the POA.

That's still part of our mission, but now we're expanding our programs, activities and operations. When we formed the BCARA, we opened our membership to include other radio activities that normally don't have a club (in this area). Most of the local BCARA members are also members of the Royal Gorge Amateur Radio Club in Canyon City and we shall work closely with the RGARC. Cooperation is the ONLY way to do things.

The inaugural meeting of our new Association was held on 29 January 2022, during which Officers were elected; our Constitution and Bylaws were discussed, approved and signed, making the Beaver Creek Amateur Radio Association (BCARA) Official.

On 25 February 2022, the FCC issued our club call sign, KF0IBJ (that's the number zero, not the letter O).

ARRL club Affiliation was approved on 12 May 2022.

BCARA Founding and current Officers:
President: JD, NK7W
Vice-President: Sean, W5QJM
Secretary/Treasurer: Seana, K5QLF

Information will be posted as it changes, or becomes available. Please check back.

This page updated on 26 December 2022 @ 0702 Mountain

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Copyright © Beaver Creek Amateur Radio Association 2025.
All rights reserved.

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